Benvolio 1938

Italy, Milano

Benvolio was born in Veneto in 1938 from the passion for oil that the Dal Sasso family has been handed down for almost a hundred years.

Main Services:

Grapeseed Oil, Mct Oil, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Flax Seed Oil, Organic Extravirgin Olive Oil, Olio di Vinacciolo, Organic Truffle Oil

Benvolio 1938

This great story, combined with the continuous search for quality, guarantees a healthy, good and genuine product. In a historical context where everyone used the fruit of the vine to obtain wine, the Dal Sasso family decided to start using the grape seed, to mechanically extract the famous grape seed oil or “olio di vinacciolo, olio di semi d’uva”.
With several nutritional properties, both in the food and in the cosmetic field , this oil is intended for anyone who intends to maintain a healthy life with a balanced diet. The nutritional qualities of this oil are mainly due to the high content of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid of the Omega 6 series, which helps to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, helping to keep it under control. Grapeseed oil is also considered an excellent cosmetic oil thanks to the content of polyphenols and vitamin E , which with their antioxidant properties help to delay skin aging caused by the sun and atmospheric agents.
The grape seed is the seed of the grape. The fundamental characteristic of grape seeds is the high content of polyphenols and oils. This makes them a valuable source for the production of antioxidants with a high content of polyphenols and edible oils.
Grapeseed oil, is considered one of the most eco-sustainable products in the panorama of seed oils. In this process, the bunch of grapes is used in its entirety to obtain more food and non-food products. The process, which includes the use of the bunch of grapes, starts from the pressing and subsequent fermentation of the fruit, after which the solid residue called “marc” and the seeds of the berries, called “grape seeds”, remain as a still usable part.
The marc, after a fermentation and distillation process, becomes grappa, an excellent liqueur with a strong and concentrated flavor. From the grape seeds we can obtain, by cold mechanical pressing, our grape seed oil.
However, the process does not end here, because with the residues of both processes we can still obtain two fundamental things for the sustainable process: from the pressing of the seeds we obtain a flour that will be used as a self-produced fuel that will create energy for the production processes; from the second, the pomace residues, we obtain an excellent eco-sustainable fertilizer obtained from renewable sources.
Since 1938 the Dal Sasso family, founder of Benvolio 1938, has used mechanical production methods , which recall past processing techniques, in order to maintain all the main benefits and nutrients of its leading products. Obviously the processes change with the passage of time, the technologies are modernized and updated, speeding up the processes, always maintaining the same processing method (cold mechanical extraction). As already present in our philosophy, our company aims to be the common thread between what we were and what we can be. We do not forget the traditions but we make them meet and convey with new technologies to always offer cutting-edge products, preserving the genuine quality of when we started.
Benvolio not only produce Grapeseed oil but designs accessible and innovative solutions in the Food sector creating products designed for the maintenance of wellbeing from almond oil to fractionated liquid coconut MCT oil, a line of oils suitable for cooking and in the cosmetic field.
The concept of “Total Body Food” arises from the need to provide the right daily intake of nutrients for both the personal health of body, skin and hair, and for nutrition , enriching a low carbohydrate diet.
This concept is embodied in the flagship product of the line which is Squeeze Liquid Coconut Oil . Coconut Oil is one of the most sought after SuperFoods thanks to its healthy properties for nutrition and the countless cosmetic uses for hair, face and body.
It is rich in saturated fatty acids , predominantly Caprylic Acid with eight C-8 carbon atoms and Caprinic Acid with ten C-10 carbon atoms. Helps control appetite , supports normal brain function and aids in digestion . In addition, this oil is ideal for supporting stamina and the immune system . It has notably become a popular supplement among athletes and body builders.
Another versatile product of this line is Linseed Oil , which has two beneficial effects for our body. The first is nutritional, with a daily intake of 2 g of alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3). It is recommended to take a teaspoon of flaxseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach as a remedy for constipation and to use it as a raw condiment.
The second, on the other hand, concerns the cosmetic field as it is a natural oil suitable for all hair types. It has an anti-frizz effect, counteracts the formation of split ends and is also ideal for fragile hair. It can be used both as a restructuring pre-shampoo on dry hair and as a nourishing mask on damp hair.
Liquid coconut oil squeeze has a double use: it is suitable in the kitchen to give energy to your dishes and to prepare bullet coffee. It is also suitable in cosmetics as a moisturizer for the body, nourishing for the skin and for hair care.

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