Ayurvedakonsultti Kari Nokela

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Trascendental meditation

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Important messages to scientific world

Ayurvedakonsultti Kari Nokela

I went to trascendental meditation course 40 years ago. Ever since I have loved alternative medicine practises, mostly those, which are offered by TM movement (also) . Ayurveda has been my greatest hobby tens of years. Ayurveda is the worlds oldest organized sickness prevention and health care doctrine. It was put into written form thousands of years ago and still today many people want to maintain it exactly the same as was in the beginning in Vedic time India. I am a scientist of bif missions. First of all I want to show the world, that ayurveda can be scientifically proven and secondly I want to spread word about ama elimination to all ayurveda world . Ayur means life and veda means knowledge. Ayurveda is life knowledge; knowledge about life.


Maharishi ayurveda has about40 individual areas. The most common are dietary advice, yoga, meditation, and Vedic astrology. What is the difference between Maharishi’s and “everyday” ayurvedic medicine ? Well, properly Maharishi ayurveda has wonderful emphasis on scientific research and current product checking out techniques. Actually also “ordinary” ayurveda has specific branches.. How about integrative ayurveda ? Well, it is a common name for all those branches, which teach modern medicine to doctors . Maharishi integrative ayurveda means approximately the same, but is organized by tm movement .( I know this, because I took a Maharishi integrative ayurveda course. myself ). And Ayurvedic medicine means same than ayurveda.

Ama theory and importance of ama elimination

Improper digestion leaves part of the food mass unmelted. This substance is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and into all tissues, channels of the body, through the veins of the logs and causes diseases. This Ayurvedic ama has two types: large molecules and free radicals. Excessive ama causes e.g. long-lasting unexplained tiredness, poor “posture”, white discharge on the tongue at morning. The problem is managed by normalizing digestion, which stops the production of ama. There are also special cleansing courses like Panchakarma. Even some of modern medicine doctors say, that 80% of diseases are related to digestion. Therefore, they are caused by problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Ama problems are relatively easy to cure. In many cases it is sufficient to follow 2 simple rules: 1) Do not drink or eat cold. The cold stops digestion and starts accumulating ama. 2) Do not eat anything difficult to digest. This is so logical that it needs no further explanation. Also, many raw foods are not good for the digestive system.

I would like to add that the digestive fire or Agni varies greatly from person to person. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that have just been cooked. Leftovers aren’t that good. Too many processed or junk foods are also bad, because they are not fresh. They increase the ama.
The amount and harmful effects of environmental toxins are usually very small compared to food based toxins (ama).

My message – facts from specialist

To the whole world is, that health care professionals should start treating a new patient with nornalizing digestion . Other measures like dietary supplements or herbal preparations or body type based treatments should come after ama has been taken away. WHY? Learn the next chapter.

Learning Vedic knowledge can be compared to going to school

There are easy basic things and then difficult “high school” things. It is ideal to learn things in a certain order, just like in school. First graders learn first to read and count. The sixth grade is already practicing equations, the mere existence of which would be quite a mystery and a wonder to the first grade. Maharishi ayurveda is my learning system. It is “tailored” to the needs of Western “hurricanes”. In my training, first-graders were told to first remove ama.

Of course the strongest ones, 20% can skip the first class

They an go straight to the upper grades if they have very healthy digestion . REMOVING ama IS EASY AND THEREFORE FITS EVERYONE. There is no need for an Indian lifestyle to remove ama. In fact, for an Ayurvedic school student, the Indian lifestyle is only about a high school issue. Practice shows that the word India alone expels 30% of potential customers and the word “Indian way of life” drives the other 30%. Generally speaking, nobody wants to change their lifestyle. Everybody just wants those benefits.

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