Amelia Quinn’s Little Farm

United States, Minot

I'm Amelia Quinn, the owner of a little chicken raising farm.

Main Services:

A Blog Sharing Chicken Raising Knowledge and Experience, a blog recommends best chicken raising products

Amelia Quinn’s Little Farm

I grew up on a humble little farm where raising animals and cultivating vegetables were not just chores, but a way of life. Our livelihood depended on the fruits of the land and the care we provided to our animals. After school each day, I took on the role of helping care for my younger siblings and tending to our animals. Raising chickens and nurturing crops became an integral part of my daily routine。

Now, as I embark on this journey of connecting with fellow farmers and enthusiasts of backyard chicken raisers, I am excited to share my experiences and learn from the wisdom of other experienced individuals in the farming community. Let’s grow together, both in knowledge and as a community.

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