Advanced Computer Diagnostics

United States, Hendersonville

Advanced Computer Diagnostics offers IT support to small businesses and residential consumers.

Main Services:

Computer Repair, Out-sourced IT, Cyber Security, Home Computer Security, Business Cyber Security, Small Business Out-sourced IT, Small Business Cyber Security, Firewall and Wifi Support, Backup, Virus Removal

Advanced Computer Diagnostics

ACDTN provides services such as computer repair, cybersecurity services, virus removal, backup, networking, and repairing Microsoft or Mac computers. They also offer outsourced it for businesses that cannot afford a full-time IT department.

Advanced Computer Diagnostics stands out from other computer repair shops by giving customers a five-star service backed by over 10 years of experience.

Founded by Rick Patin around 2010, Advanced Computer Diagnostics looks forward to taking care of your computer and small business technical needs.

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