Australia, Sydney

I’m Alexander, founder of AD PEFORMANCE TRAINING.

Main Services:

Personal Training, Physique Sports Competition Preperation, Life Coaching


Let me introduce myself…

AD.PT. is an anything-but-average health and fitness coaching environment that is passionately committed to helping people reach their personal best.

German by birth, a competitive bodybuilder by passion and a lifelong sufferer of countless health issues myself; the lifeblood of AD.PT. is firmly rooted in the belief that supporting clients goes far beyond the gym floor.

As a young International Sales gun travelling Europe in my twenties, I watched my health slowly deteriorate. Long hours on the road, an unhealthy diet and excessive use of stimulants to mask chronic stress meant that no-amount of hours in the gym was going to give me the balance of health and fitness my body needed (and believe me, I tried). Existing health conditions worsened and I was fast on the way to burnout.

I knew it was time to act and it was clear no-one was going to do the work for me. This fundamental shift in priorities brought me to Australia, where I’ve found my passion and purpose in fulfilling my own competitive bodybuilding goals and building a business that inspires and supports people struggling with their health + fitness.

Aesthetic Health is my personal interpretation of the philosophy “a healthy mind lives in a healthy body” and one of the hardest balancing acts we each face. Helping clients define a realistic aesthetic goal and working methodically towards it, in a manner that prioritises their overall health is AD.PT’s recipe for success that supports anyone ready for real change in their lives.

Why I do what I do…

People often begin caring about their personal health + fitness when it begins to limit their daily life in some significant way; be it the runner with an injury, the overweight client who struggles to make a flight of stairs, or the athlete who’s hit a wall in their progress… whatever used to work, no longer does.

The initial motivation for change may be there [usually sparked by an awareness of the problem] but the road ahead is neither easy, nor clear. For many, early enthusiasm is quickly hampered in the process of finding the solutions and strategies that work for them.

Why? Because individual health and fitness simply is not a one-size-fits-all, magic recipe providing an instant fix. There are no shortcuts.

And while the health and fitness industry provides endless information and services, the biggest challenge for most is finding the right answers and the right strategies for the individual and turning this into tangible progress. From personal experience, I know how frustrating this journey can be.

My purpose and passion lay in being able to provide knowledgeable guidance and practical support, to help others navigate the path to achieving meaningful levels of personal health + fitness.

Explaining aesthetic health…

AESTHETIC HEALTH is my personal, practical, real-life interpretation of the philosophy that
“a healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. It is the deliberate choice to seek balance

between two competing concepts, neither one at the expense of the other.

It is finding a sustainable balance…

between how we think we want to look + how we really want to feel

We all have a physical ideal we strive towards and, alongside that, an individual idea of what healthy should look and feel like.

Our aesthetic = is individually chosen [an external expression of our identity]
Our health = is scientifically defined [going far beyond only the physical]

But the simple fact is today’s common aesthetic ideals are a long way from our science-based shared understanding of health. Yet we chase them nonetheless, often at great personal cost. Muscles for men and booty for babes. Our physical appearance is just one facet of our health, yet often the one we focus on most critically, placing unrealistic expectation and pressure on ourselves to achieve the impossible.

And just as our overall health can be a limitation to reaching your aesthetic ideal, equally our aesthetic ideal can lead to unhealthy choices (over training, extreme dieting and excessive supplementation to name a few). Finding the right balance of these two conflicting forces is therefore not easy, but essential when working towards a happy and fulfilling life.

I believe in defining a realistic aesthetic goal for each individual and working methodically towards it,
in a manner that prioritises overall health at the core of our work together.

The aesthetic health Q&A:


Actually, it’s quite the opposite. Today’s society [fuelled by traditional and social media] conditions us to rely on a lot of external validation. Chasing compliments, chasing likes, seeking approval and the fundamental human desire to fit in moves us further away from a place of self-acceptance and self-esteem.


How we feel about how we look is what’s important. And recognizing that how we look is just one component of the overall picture of our health is critical. Pride in our appearance and confidence in what we see in the mirror is definitely important. But realistic goals, balance and overall health are the key.


At surface value, that may be what a lot of people see.

Bodybuilding is an intensely physical sport and definitely not for the faint hearted. My category [classic physique] is focused on symmetry, definition, muscularity and presentation… definitely not sheer muscle mass at any cost. And for me personally, bodybuilding isn’t just twelve weeks of comp prep and medals on stage. It’s a year-round commitment to a tough set of physical and mental disciplines that keep me focused on all aspects of my overall health [body + mind]. Successful bodybuilding requires a brutally honest understanding of what your body is physically capable of and an awareness of the price you’ll pay if you push beyond it.

So, whether it’s bodybuilding, any other sport or any other individual goal [whatever that may be for you], it’s critical that you know your ‘why’.

If it’s simply external validation you seek, I’d say you’re doing it for the wrong reason.

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