Generating a substantial amount of income from your site can be challenging, mostly when you aren’t selling anything. Google AdSense is a popular network that allows most website owners to monetize their page traffic. You can make money without having to deal with advertisers directly irrespective of your niche. It’s a relatively simple concept, but you need to understand some basics. Here is a detailed Google AdSense tutorial to help you turn your existing content into an income-generating strategy.
What Is Google AdSense
It’s merely an ad publishing application by Google that allows you to include ads on your websites and make money. The most outstanding part about this network is that Google handles everything, and you don’t need to worry about collecting the payment. So, how does Google AdSense work? The system connects both publishers and advertisers, and Google acts as the intermediary.
What happens is that an advertiser will set the minimum amount he is willing to pay for an advert, which acts as the bid price. Google will then display the bid to publishers with the relevant traffic for the ad. For example:
If your site visitors click on the ad, you get a portion of the money, and Google takes the rest as commission for their service. The advertising content comes in numerous forms which include;
- Images and graphics.
- Videos
- Rich media
- Animated Images
- Texts
It’s worth noting that Google uses the Ad Rank formula to determine which promotional content best suits your site. It involves predicting the click-through rate on your page based on keywords and the previous performance. For instance, if you run a page about pregnant women, you shouldn’t advertise with sports related keywords and/or pages. Remember that Google wants to ensure that the ad obtains maximum clicks creating a win-win situation for you, the advertiser, and Google.
Types Of AdSense Bids
Understanding the bid types available will help further answer your question on how does Google AdSense work? The bid types affect your Google AdSense earnings in the following ways;
Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)
It constitutes the amount an advertiser pays for their ad appears a thousand times. The visitors don’t have to click on the ad for you to earn money. The main aim of this bid is to increase brand awareness. Therefore, you only need to load the ad content on your page entirely. However, the bid price may be lower since it doesn’t involve user actions. Here is that formula:
(Image credit: Online Advertising Guide)
Active View Cost Per Thousand Impressions Active (CPM)
For this, you still get paid for the ad content exposure, but retention time matters. It means that 50% of the ad needs to appear viewable in your site for at least a second. If the impression fails to meet this criterion, then the advertiser may not pay. It thus increases the chances of visitors seeing the ad and therefore bids higher compared to CPM. Here is that formula:
(Image credit: Online Advertising Guide)
Cost Per Click (CPC)
With this bid type, you only get paid for clicked-on ads. The amount you earn on a click depends on the content’s nature and its value to the advertiser. Here is the CPC formula:
(Image credit: Online Advertising Guide)
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Cost Per Engagement (CPE)
The advertiser will select a specific action that your site visitors should perform in the cost per engagement. You, therefore, earn based on how active the users get with the ad.
(Image credit: Online Advertising Guide)
How To Add Google AdSense To Your Website
Now that you have understood how it works, let’s look into the sign up process. It’s worth noting that Google is very strict with how they allow access to their services. They aim at maintaining quality and high integrity in their network. Therefore every publisher needs to be 18 years old and above and have an active Gmail account, not linked to Google AdSense. Use this step by step process to create your account.
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Ensure That Your Site Is In Compliance
Once you learn how to use Google AdSense, ensure that your site meets all the eligibility requirements. You need to comply with all Google program policies, including having a website with unique content and easy navigation. Note that the network doesn’t work with sites that deal with counterfeit products, and you shouldn’t receive traffic from paid to click programs. Google will thus review your page before they accept you. Here are those requirements:
Apply To AdSense
If you have a fully compliant site, navigate to the Google AdSense home tab and click the sign up now button to start the process. It’s worth noting that the approval process may take from 24 hours up to two weeks.
You could be asking, how does AdSense work on YouTube? You merely connect your account to AdSense to publish promotional content and get paid per impression, click, or conversion. In your account, click ‘monetization’ to set up the AdSense option for your channel. When you click next, you proceed to the Google AdSense sign up page.
Select the email account you wish to proceed with, then fill in your details, including information like address and email. Remember to avail of the exact bank account name while filling in your payee. Submit your form for verification. Enable monetization by clicking ‘My channel’ in the menu option then ‘monetization.’ The following is the sign up page:
Configure Your Ads
You also need to determine the sort of advertisement you wish to include in your website. The content section has a drop-down menu that gives you more options on your dashboard’s left-hand side. Click on the ‘Ad units’ menu, then choose the right style, size, and ad type associated with your advertising spaces. It helps you control how the ad will appear on your site.
Paste The AdSense Code Onto Your Site
After configuration, scroll to the page’s bottom then click on the ‘save and get code’ button. You will get a code automatically that you should copy and paste on your webpage. While using word press, you can do it using widgets.
In the administrative dashboard, proceed to ‘appearance’ then find the widget where you will paste the AdSense URL. Include the code where you want it displayed on your site.
Update The Privacy Policy
After completing the Google AdSense login process, you may want to include a privacy policy on your site. It lets your visitors know that an ad network displays promotional content in your area.
Verify Your Account
Before collecting earnings, you will receive a card from Google AdSense for verification purposes. It has a pin associated with your account with some clear instructions that you need to follow. Once verified, you can then make a withdrawal after achieving the specified payment threshold. Here is that page:
Google AdSense earnings
After getting your answers on the question of how does AdSense work on YouTube, your next concern could be how much you can probably make. Well, there is no definitive figure since your earnings will defer based on various factors. The first thing is your target industry. Remember that you use specific keywords based on your target audience and how ads displays on your site depend on how Google views your site. Your keywords selection will also determine how many visitors you can attract in your page, which influences the number of clicks you can generate for the ads. The more visitors you attract, the more people will click on the ads, and the more money you are likely to earn.
Some people can make a full-time income through Adsense, especially if they have a ton of traffic. However, new bloggers may not make as much. It’s also worth noting that some ads pay higher than others. Once you have earned your cash, Google can send the money directly to your bank account or through a cheque, available for most countries internationally. In most cases, Google keeps 32% of the revenue, and you will earn the remaining 68%.
Various Types Of AdSense Ads Units
Once you get approved, you may start running your account to earn money. Before you do that, it would be best to understand various ad unit types available, which gives you more knowledge on how to use Google AdSense. For instance:
The display ads appear more responsive and can automatically adapt to your device’s screen size. On the other hand, the in-feed ads fit better in a list, sidebar, or feeds. They flow naturally, creating an excellent user experience. Further, article ads work well within the context of a write-up without disrupting the reader. The matched content ads recommend information to users to boost page views and potential clicks. Lastly, the link ads display details relevant to site content.
Benefits Of Using Google AdSense
After Google AdSense login, here are various advantages you will enjoy from the platform.
- It’s A Legit Advertisements Program By Google: Google AdSense has a transparent monetization procedure, where you paste a code in your site to make your ad spaces available. You will then see the advertiser’s bids in real-time. The highest paying ad will show on your website, and you get paid.
- It’s Free To Join: You don’t have to pay for Google AdSense sign up; you only register and create an advertisement space on your website.
- It’s Easy To Use: Once you get approved, you paste the code and the advertisement will begin to run.
- It Includes A Variety Of Ads Formats: As the publisher, you can try out either text, images, videos, or HTML ads to figure out which generates a lot of revenue for your site. Still, you can customize some ads options to fit the feel and look of your site.
- You Can Run Ads On Multiple Accounts: You can place the ads on any website that you run, provided that it complies with the terms of service. You don’t need to set up accounts for each blog. Additionally, you can add it to your YouTube accounts, but you may need to have at least a thousand subscribers and 4,000 hours watch time.
- The Platform Has A Vast Number Of Advertisers: Google AdSense is a highly rated and recognizable advertising platform. Numerous websites use it, and chances are, you will always find an advertiser.
- Google Has A Trustable Payment System: You are unlikely to experience any payment issues from AdSense. Google pays monthly on a direct account provided that you meet the minimum threshold of $100 earnings.
- Google Does Everything For You: You don’t have to promote your advertising spaces. Google has an automatic auctions system, so your website can easily avail ads for advertisers willing to pay more.
- High Level Of Security: AdSense aims at providing a higher level of safety for both the publisher and advertiser. It keeps the process transparent and clear for both parties, and you can easily track all the metrics from your Google Analytics account.
FACT: Around 10.8 million websites worldwide use AdSense. Additionally, in Q3 of 2018, 87% of Google’s total revenue came from advertising, equating to a staggering $24.1 billion. (OKO Ad Management)
Tips To Boost Your Google AdSense Revenue
You require a solid plan to make substantial returns from your Google AdSense account. It’s worth noting that success won’t happen overnight, and you need to give the system time to adopt and show its potential. In this Google AdSense tutorial, I have outlined some best practices to help you earn more money without violating the services policies.
We hope that you found this article useful.
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Have The Right Type Of Website
Some web pages appear more successful in generating Google AdSense revenue than others. To make money, you need to have excellent content and high traffic. In terms of content, have a balance between those details that bring new clients to your site and keep your previous ones coming back. Blogs, news sites, free online tools, and niche social networks often attract new and repeat clients.
Most users run to Google when they need to solve their problems. If you post content that answers their questions adequately, your site ranks higher in search results. As a result, Google will serve your webpage more relevant ads that may result in clicks.
Use Multiple Ad Units
Every individual has varying preferences, and different styles of ad unit types will attract numerous website visitors. Keep users’ experience in mind when deciding what ads units to use and give them a better chance of connecting with the advertiser. Additionally, use Google analytic to determine the number of ads units used in your webpage and their placement to choose what best works for you.
Deploy AdSense Custom Search Ads
Note that size and placement are very crucial elements if you wish to increase Google AdSense revenue. However, you may not be able to test all this manually, and this is where the AdSense automated optimization comes in handy. It’s a free tool only available to those bloggers with over 2,000 views monthly, which helps your site users find specific content to maximize their experience. Further, your ads will appear alongside search results, translating to broader coverage.
Comply With All Policies
Read and adhere to Google’s rules as well as the AdSense policies. They aren’t very tolerant, and if you break the rules, Google can close your account.
Never Click On Your Ads
Although AdSense heavily relies on clicks and engagement, clicking on your webpage, asking others to do so, or buying pay per click space is fraudulent. Also, ask all family members living in your household not to click on the ads either. Note that Google may not tell the difference between you and your spouse, and if they note clicks coming from your home, they may close you out of the program.
Use Proper Ads Placement
One main problem that most people face when they open an AdSense account is that they have no idea where the ads should appear. Ensure that you place the promotional content in a strategic place where visitors can see them once they land on your page. Also, try to balance the number of ads in a blog to prevent annoying users. Remember that the more the ads on your page, the less the money you will make per click. The ideal ad placement positions include the site header, in between, above, and after your content.
Monitor Your Results
To increase your Google AdSense earnings, you need to check your ads’ performance continually. Track them to see what you are doing right and what needs adjustments. Determine whether you have consistent results, and you can keep improving until you are satisfied with the amount of money generated.
Diib®: Master the Art of AdSense with Expert Help!
You can make a substantial amount of money through Google AdSense, but it’s not a platform where you will earn quick revenue. Place your ads in sections where your site visitors spend most of their time but experiment a lot to find a strategy that best suits you. The above guide aims at helping you out in creating a successful AdSense account, so you should be in a position to earn money with ads. Diib provides a custom dashboard that integrates with your AdSense account, giving you custom metrics that will help you monitor each and every campaign. Some of the features that we know you’ll love are:
- Objectives give you simple tasks designed to optimize your Google AdSense campaigns and overall website performance
- Alerts that tell you about your Domain Authority other technical SEO issues including Google AdSense
- Bounce rate monitoring and CTR on Ads
- Ad performance
- Broken pages where you have backlinks (404 checker)
- Keyword, backlink, and indexing monitoring and tracking tools
- User experience and mobile speed optimization
Click here for your free scan or simply call 800-303-3510 to speak to one of our growth experts.
Google generally pays through direct deposit or check each month your earnings meet or exceed $100. If you don’t earn that much, your earnings roll over into the next month. Every $100 increment will trigger a payment check.
AdSense is free. What’s more, they even pay you for the clicks or impressions they get from ads on your site.
Google AdSense is a great and safe way to earn income online, you simply have to follow the rules. The resources page can help you move toward success.
Google policy requires anyone who participates in the AdSense program to have a website first. Google checks the websites of participating publishers to ensure they comply with the rules they enact.
First, you’ll need to verify your identity and provide copies of your government. The name of your payment profile must match the name on your id.
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