Blue Cord Patriots

United States

Since 2019, We have helped hundreds of veterans achieve their VA benefits by providing educational resources, and mentoring to explain how the system works.

Main Services:

VA Compensation Claim Education, VA Denial Education

Blue Cord Patriots

When it comes to your VA claim, the fight with the VA is real. Through experience, the Blue Cord Patriots are ready to help you achieve the benefits that you have strived for so many years.
We provide individual service to EVERY veteran and provide clarity on the process.


Most Veteran Service Officers (VSO) and Veteran Services Organizations are WAY OVERWORKED AND UNDER PAID! They care, but they can only handle so much. They don’t have time to educate the veteran based on the requirements for each rating. Most veterans have issues understanding how the VA rates, what they should pursue, and how they should go about it. VSOs really do help, but most don’t have the time to break out how each condition will effect your rating, as the veteran.

There is always a time & a place for lawyers, and Blue Cord Patriots does not oppose using a lawyer. But… a lawyer can only get paid on your backpay. For simple claims, it can become a long & tedious process to get your claims filed, and properly set up in the event you need a lawyer. We provide the knowledge to assist you in developing your claim so that in the event you require counsel, you have a good shot of getting a lawyer to work with you. With the proper evidence in place, and the claim that has been continuously pursued, you are ready to work with a lawyer whom can effectively solidify the claim if we were unable to assist you.


Allow our Veteran Advisors to lead you to success with your compensation claims. Years of experience in the Veterans Affairs Process will be provided to you, with explanations of the reasoning/logic of the process.

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